55 White Bouquets

daisiesblog“You have ovarian cancer,” my doctor said sadly. “I’m so sorry.”

Her words stayed in my head and it felt like my hands were cupped over my ears. It was hard to hear much of anything after that.

I left her office and headed home to tell my husband, but I hesitated. I didn’t want to say the words out loud – as if keeping this news to myself somehow made it not real. I finally did tell him and our five children. I also told my good friend, Beth, who was sworn to secrecy until I was ready to make my announcement.

Within ten days of my diagnosis I was in surgery and settled into the hospital for a week’s stay. I was anxious, but excited to be going home when my husband picked me up. Back home, he helped me out of the car and up the steps to our house. I notice a new plant, a beautiful white Bougainvillea, hanging near our front door. Inside the house, a sweet little bouquet of daisies greeted me on the bench in my entryway. A large plant with white blooms cheerfully occupied the corner of the room.

Turning into the living room, I was met with every imaginable arrangement of white flowers – from simple little vases of Baby’s Breath to sprays of lilies and roses. It was breathtaking! It was intoxicating! And it continued through every room in my house! There were 55 of them in all.

“Beth did this,” my daughter announced. “She told a few people and they spread the word. Your friends have been delivering flowers and cards for two days!” she beamed.

I was overwhelmed with emotions! Excitement. Joy. Love. Peace. And gratitude. Beth spared me the sting of having to tell everyone my news. Her thoughtfulness allowed me to relax and recover surrounded by the beauty, grace and love of a community of women whose caring gesture made me feel protected and gave me a sense of hope that has carried me throughout my treatment.

Thank you, sweet Beth!

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