The Crossroads


I have been on my journey with ovarian cancer for two years and four months.

Facing the diagnosis, initial surgery and first chemo was challenging. But soon, the road smoothed out and the ride became predictable, and even enjoyable! I stayed on the road of hope. I stayed on the road that gave me peace, joy and love.

Three months ago, the road became bumpy and harder to navigate. Today, the road has become treacherous. I’m finding it harder and harder to stay on the path.

Just ahead is a crossroads. I will reach it very soon and will have to carefully decide which road will keep me on the path of peace, joy, and love.

My cancer is not curable. At best, all we can do is manage it with the goal being a fun and happy life for as long as that may be. I am home from my second hospital stay in the past month. My cancer is progressing and is interfering with that fun, happy life of mine.

The crossroad is getting closer and closer. Please pray with me that I choose the right path. That I choose the path that leads to joy and peace!

In the meantime, I am busy putting the finishing touches on a fantastic new issue of Moxie! I am so blessed to be able to connect with you through the magazine. It is gift for me to share my life with you.

Hugs to all!

On Hold!

Lily Tomlin

Two weeks ago my blood test showed a significant rise in my CA125 (tumor marker number).  Knowing it was likely I would begin a third round of chemo, I prepared myself.

But I got a great surprise.  My doctor decided to put me on hold!  I am in the monitoring phase.  And I couldn’t be happier.

I will go again on August 1st for another blood test, and plans will be made based on those results.

In the meantime, I’ve been anything but “on hold.”  I’ve been busy, busy, busy getting Moxie! Magazine ready to go to print.  This issue marks our 8th anniversary of publishing and I couldn’t be more proud of this creation.

I’ve continued to promote my new cancer support group, Esprit.

I celebrated 40 years of wedded bliss to my best friend.

I’ve eaten at Gennaro’s at least four times!

And I’ve enjoyed lots of time with family and friends.

Life is a blessing and I’m enjoying every minute of it.  I hope you are too!

It’s Only a Number


That is not the number we’ve all been hoping for…but there it is.

After getting my blood drawn on July 1st, I put aside all thoughts of numbers and results and spent the next four days celebrating the holiday weekend.

This morning I called my doctor’s office and was truly surprised to hear the results!  It’s amazing, and admittedly scary, that a person can feel so healthy and energetic and all the while a cancer is sneaking around.

I don’t have the exact plan of attack yet, but I want to thank all of you, with all of my heart, for your thoughts, prayers, finger crossing, and good vibes.  I can feel the love all around me.

Love is so much bigger than cancer – and love will win.  It ALWAYS wins!!

Fingers Crossed

Jammin Blog photoFor the past two months and seven days, I have had NO CHEMO. None. Nada. …Zip.

It’s the first time in nearly two years that I’ve been “drug free” and I feel fantastic! My second round of chemo put me back in clinical remission and my doctor and I agreed it was time for a break.

While I remain extremely optimistic, I am aware of cancer’s sneaky ways. I will have my first blood test this week to see how I’m doing. My body, my heart and my spirit tell me I’m doing just great. But if crossing fingers and prayers being asked will help, I hope you will join me!!

I will post my good report next week!!


For most of my adult life, eating well, exercising, and a healthy lifestyle have been important to me…and looking good in my jeans, too, of course!

But this past summer, cancer found me. It’s sneaky…and strong. I’m pretty tuned in to my body, so I didn’t wait too long to see a doctor when vague symptoms began to interrupt my daily lifestyle. But, cancer had been lurking around longer than I realized.

I’m sharing my journey to encourage women to be PROACTIVE about their bodies! Nutrition, exercise, stress management and self-nurturing are so IMPORTANT to living a healthy life and avoiding a cancer diagnosis. Or at the very least, kicking its ass when it comes around!!

Tummy Troubles

blog1The first thing I noticed was waking up one Saturday morning and feeling like I’d just eaten a Thanksgiving dinner. On a long walk later that morning, the feeling didn’t subside.

It’s unusual for me to have tummy troubles. I eat well and try not to over-indulge in anything.

The bloated feeling and indigestion continued intermittently for a month. Then, a new symptom appeared. I began having menstrual cramps off and on…just like when I was 16 years old. But I was 56 and had been in menopause for two years. I considered seeing a doctor but let another month go by. When unexplained weight gain forced me to buy the next bigger size in jeans…I had had it!! I picked up the phone and called my gynecologist. (A girl has to draw the line somewhere!)

During my visit to the doctor I explained my vague, erratic symptoms and told her I just didn’t feel like Georgia any more. The symptoms were affecting my everyday life. She examined me and ordered an ultrasound.
It was May 30th, 2014.

(To be continued…)

Testing, Testing!

blog2On June 5th I arrived for my Ultrasound. There was some confusion about my insurance and I was told I would have to pay $500 for the test. Frustrated, I called my husband and told him I didn’t want to pay that much and I was sure I didn’t need an Ultrasound! I was ready to bolt.

My husband firmly ordered me to stay, pay and get the Ultrasound. What a smart man he is.

Early the next morning, the doctor’s office called to schedule a follow-up visit to discuss the results of my Ultrasound. During the visit she explained that both of my ovaries were enlarged (both were the size of an orange…that can’t be good, I thought). I had fluid in my pelvic cavity and my uterus had streaks in it.

A biopsy was taken from my uterus and my blood was drawn. More tests…more time to wait!

It was June 10th, 2014