After learning of my cancer diagnosis from my doctor, I drifted out of her office and into my car. I started the engine, but had no idea where to go.
It is so surreal when you are told you have cancer. But having to tell other people…people you love…is very real! I wasn’t ready to go home. I wasn’t ready to say out loud, “I have ovarian cancer.” I finally pulled out of the parking lot and considered my options. Go to the park? A coffee shop? My office? I needed time to process this news, but I didn’t know how.
I pulled into my driveway, went into the house and whispered to my husband, “I have Ovarian Cancer.”
He was upset, of course, but very sweet! We talked for a long time and the shock began to wear off a bit. I was ready to tell my kids. All five of them are adults, and luckily all but one lives in New Braunfels. It took until 8:30 that evening, but I sat and talked with each one of them explaining my diagnosis, prognosis, and plan of attack. There were a few tears, but mostly brave, encouraging words from each of them. Such great kids I have!!