The Journey Continues

My boys

January 1st, 2015 was the beginning of a new year…a very HOPEFUL year for me.

I had been given the best gift for Christmas a couple weeks earlier. I was in remission from my ovarian cancer. For me, it was “one and done!”

The new year got off to a great start! My hair was growing back, I was regaining strength and energy, and I was keeping the promise I’d made to myself to be full of joy, hope and peace.

But cancer is not nice and it snuck its way back into my life. Eight months into the year, I began feeling “things” in my belly, things I’d felt before. And so the scans, tests and bloodwork began. A biopsy in November confirmed cancer in my peritoneum (lining of my intestines).

I started back on a chemo regiment right away, and my body responded perfectly! I was scheduled for six treatments and marked my calendar for March 22nd – my last round. But this stubborn little nuisance is taking it’s time to exit. It underestimates my patience, however, and I will continue treatment until I am in the clear again.

Over these past two years, I have seen FAR TOO MANY women and men in our community diagnosed with cancer!

I have witnessed their weak and worn bodies, their painful procedures, their loss of hope, and their loss of life. It breaks my heart. And I am determined to do everything I can to hold us all up. To offer help, hope, motivation and inspiration.

This beautiful New Braunfels community poured its heart out to me when I needed it and I will forever be grateful. It is that love that gives me joy, hope and peace as I continue my journey!

Georgia, A.C.